Restore: Youthening for Optimal Health
Restore: Youthening for Optimal Health" is an 8-week transformational journey designed to help you return yourself to health and vitality.
Introduction to Restore
Starting Point
How to use the meditations in this course
Who will I be meditation
Restore Curiosity Over Judgment Worksheet
Creating your vision for a Restored Vital You
Foundational Concepts
Foundation Nutrition & Movement
Restore Course Glossary
Functional Age Assessment
Future Health Visualization Worksheet
Movement Square
NEAT Daily Tracker
Module 2 Nutrition and the Immune System
Micronutrients & Supplements
Gut Health: the Axis of Nutrition, Immunity, and Restore
Detox and Replenish
Essentials of Jolie Nutrition
Do Not Be Deceived by Natural Processed Food - Here Is Why
Food Journal for Gut Health & Tracking
My Recommended Restore Supplements
Immune Boosting Foods
For Further Reading
Module 3 Introduction
Quickstart Cheat Code
Your Liver Part 1
Liver Part 2
How to Lower A1c
Cortisol's Effects on Metabolism
Cholesterol & Weight Loss
Visceral Fat
Building Muscle for Metabolism
Menopause and Metabolism
Cooling Inflammation: Relief from Chronic Inflammation
Hormones, Gut, & Inflammation
Lifestyle & Supplementation for Lower Inflammation and Stress
How Inflammation Affects Your Metabolism, Sleep, and Aging
Foundational Sleep
Brain and Sleep
Cranky? You need to sleep.
Hormone Balance and Sleep
Immunity Thrives on Sleep
Sleep Summary Heart Health
Your Complete Sleep Journal